Thursday, December 16, 2004

Norland Ozone Systems-ozone generation

I found this article is very informative. Howevr, the research found that Ozone disinfection is much higher than the conventional Chlorine method that use today. If the datas is true then it shall be encourage for the Water District or authority to switch to Ozone process..


Ozone is an unstable, colorless gas, a powerful oxidizer and a potent germicide. It has a much higher disinfection potential than other disinfectants such as chlorine.

Ozone consists of three parts of oxygen. Once ozone is generated, it takes a short time for it to break apart and return to its natural form of oxygen. As this phenomenon occurs, the free atom of oxygen will seek out any foreign particles in the water and be attracted to them. This action creates an environment where bacteria or organic matter virtually disintegrate when they come in contact with this free oxygen molecule. This in turn protects water from waterborne, bacterial contamination. Ozone is used in the bottled water industry because it controls the growth of bacteria in water. It is desirable because it can do this without leaving a residual taste, such as you would find with chlorine.

The variables determining the effectiveness of ozone in killing bacteria are contact time and residual ozone concentration achieved in the product water. This ozone concentration residual is first dependent on how much ozone is injected into the product water and then the amount of ozone demand in the water. The lower the total dissolved solids level, the higher the solubility of the ozone.

Norland Ozone Systems-ozone generation:

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