The above statement gives you the knowledge of what is Mountain Spring Water!!
Some few years back. Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water were sued by the Government for mis-used the "Spring Water" on their bottled water. They have later sold to Nestle.
Nestle is aimming to become the biggest Drinking Water supplier in the world. When I was at a conference last month, I am told that by 2010, Drinking Water business would become a Multi-Trilions dollars business even bigger then the Oil business today.
Anyway for your Great Health, you need to unserstand the Water that you drink!!
Ice Mountain bottler negotiating to purchase water from Evart
March 7, 2005, 8:15 PM EST
EVART, Mich. (AP) _ Nestle Waters North America Inc. is in talks with local officials to begin purchasing city water that would be trucked 40 miles to its Ice Mountain water-bottling plant in southern Mecosta County.
To make the offer more enticing, Nestle Waters said it's willing to build 14 acres of baseball and softball diamonds and a football practice field by next year. The Greenwich, Conn.-based company also would relocate at least 300 campsites at the Osceola County Fairgrounds to provide a natural buffer around Evart's water wells.
"I'm tickled. It's like Christmas," said Howard Hyde, superintendent of Evart Public Schools.
Nestle Waters wants a second source of water, partly because the wells that feed the bottling plant near Stanwood are restricted to a monthly pumping average of 250 gallons per minute, the result of a lawsuit filed by a grass-roots environmental group.
Michigan Citizens for Water Conservation's suit said high-capacity wells feeding the bottling plant were diminishing nearby wetlands and a stream. A judge ordered the wells turned off but the company won a reprieve from a higher court, and the case remains under appeal.
Evart, population 1,700, is in Osceola County about 85 miles north of Grand Rapids. Its economy is anchored by auto-parts suppliers and a dairy that ships milk to Meijer stores, which together account for about 1,000 jobs.
Unlike in Mecosta County, there is little opposition in Osceola County to selling Evart's water for distribution elsewhere. Community leaders hope there will be a big payoff down the road: a new Ice Mountain bottling plant bringing scores of new jobs.
"That's really the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow," City Manager Roger Elkins told The Grand Rapids Press for a story published Sunday.
Indeed, Nestle Waters spokeswoman Deb Muchmore said it could be the "start of a long-term relationship."
"We've been extremely well received in Evart," she said. "The Ice Mountain brand continues to grow. Additional water capacity is needed."
The company sells bottled "spring" water, which means it must prove the groundwater is connected to a spring that flows to the surface, according to federal labeling rules. There also are internal standards for taste and quality.
Three of Evart's seven wells are drawing spring water, Muchmore said. One such well would be dedicated for use by Ice Mountain.
The water would be piped to a nearby transfer station, then transported by truck to the Ice Mountain bottling plant. Ice Mountain bottler negotiating to purchase water from Evart
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