Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Can you see the pollution in the air??

So that gives such a nice Sunset view??

How much smogs is in the air??

All the pollutions would fall back to ground & then polluted our ground water & drinking water supply.

Do our part before it is too late!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


bebe 2, originally uploaded by frosti_idm.

Do you know that these animal are suffering from the environmental pollutions beside the humen threats??

We shall create the awareness & help to protect them before it is too late.

Crystal Ball!!

( ( ((O)) ) ), originally uploaded by StanleyChang.

This is the pretty shot of Water - Crystal Ball.

You can see that the clearness of the water.

Imagine, the water will be containminated; then the beauty of the scene that we see & our body would be in serious trouble.

Let work together now to protect our clean & green environment & water!!

Crystal Ball!!

( ( ((O)) ) ), originally uploaded by StanleyChang.

This is the pretty shot of Water - Crystal Ball.

You can see that the clearness of the water.

Imagine, the water will be containminated; then the beauty of the scene that we see & our body would be in serious trouble.

Let work together now to protect our clean & green environment & water!!

CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie Tan © 2006 - 2007 • all rights reserved